John Erskine
Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing
Oscar Wilde
Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory
Bob Marley
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain

Why should we buy original songs?

If you're a collector (or just the kind of person who wants to keep songs forever), you want to have the files available in whatever location you want, whenever you want it, and you probably wish the online music stores would finally get their act together and distribute liner notes with the files because it's vital that you know who sang the background vocals on that one song.

Buying music online means you own it outright rather than using it under license. As such, tracks aren't going to disappear from your library suddenly. Plus, there's no danger of the parent company going out of business and taking your music collection with it.

Music copyright

Are you looking to own the rights of a particular song? Do you have doubts about the process to do so? Then you are in the right place.

License fees for popular music are frequently in the tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the popularity of the music and how it will be featured or used in the audio-visual production

We have always tried to provide users with the best and latest tracks. You can listen to the demo of the song first, then buy it if you like and get the complete file. When you buy an original song, you have helped both those who have worked hard to make the music and the singer. In our store you can listen to songs or buy songs. Just as easily.



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